
First person shooter


Puzzle platformer




Unreal engine 5.1


4 weeks

Team Size

Solo Developer

Link to game

Game Overview

Hinriks Horror Game Fun Time Great Job was a vertical slice game project that I made during my introduction to visual scripting course at FutureGames.


First person shooter


Puzzle platformer




Unreal engine 5.1


4 weeks

Team Size

Solo developer

Link to game

Game Overview

Hinriks Horror Game Fun Time Great Job was a vertical slice game project that I made during my introduction to visual scripting course at FutureGames

How is the game played

The main game mechanic of the game is that the player character jump ability is tether to various buttons in the level. The player must shoot these buttons to jump.

This created the situation of a player most looking behind them to aim and shoot a button to jump, then the player must quickly turn around to control their jump better. After noticing that I saw an opportunity to introduce jumpscares into the project. And that lead to me introducing a horror theme into the game

who is it made for?

Two of the main system that I implemented into this project are 

An external jump system 

A main menu colour picker that affects a puzzle in the end of the game 

And the two main visual effect are

An animated smiling face material 

niagara tentacle system

What I learned and what I would change

The main thing that I would like to add to the game would definitely be sound and music. As a horror game without them really isn't that scary.

But otherwise I feel like that I became way more confident in my blueprint scripting skills with this project which was my main goal. And I believe that there an interesting game can be made with these core game mechanics.

In conclusion this was very fun assignment project that that I learned a lot from and one day I might want to take further .

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How is the game played
How is the game played

The main game mechanic of the game is that the player character jump ability is tether to various buttons in the level. The player must shoot these buttons to jump.

This created the situation of a player most looking behind them to aim and shoot a button to jump, then the player must quickly turn around to control their jump better. After noticing that I saw an opportunity to introduce jumpscares into the project. And that lead to me introducing a horror theme into the game

Technical design and bit of art
Technical design and bit of art

Two of the main system that I implemented into this project are 

  1. An external jump system 

  2. A main menu colour picker that affects a puzzle in the end of the game 

And the two main visual effect are

  1. An animated smiling face material 

  2. niagara tentacle system

What I learned and what I would change
What I learned and what I would change

The main thing that I would like to add to the game would definitely be sound and music. As a horror game without them really isn't that scary.

But otherwise I feel like that I became way more confident in my blueprint scripting skills with this project which was my main goal. And I believe that there an interesting game can be made with these core game mechanics.

In conclusion

In conclusion this was very fun assignment project that that I learned a lot from and one day I might want to take further .

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